(The first few steps in teaching machines to walk.)
Bipedal modality is a feature of human evolution that coincides with the development of higher cognitive function, the freeing of the hands for other tasks and allowing a wider range of vision by raising the head.
McNeill Alexander describes the advantages of bipedal locomotion. He states that at normal walking speeds, gravity is responsible for the forward swinging motion of each leg. As a result, a bipedal entity exerts very little muscular activity when walking on level surfaces (McNeill Alexander 1985).
Anthropologist John Hawks argues that the reason behind upright, bipedal walking is efficiency.
Hawks argues that there is an evolutionary tradeoff between the ability to walk upright and the loss of the ability to climb.
Humans have adapted their environment to suit their needs. In the future it will be easier to adapt robots to be better suited for human environments and to use human tools than it would be to modify all human environments to be suitable for robots.
Complexity decreases as the number of active degrees of freedom decrease. Active degrees of freedom are degrees which need to be controlled and monitored.
Complexity can also be reduced by only using active degrees of freedom when absolutely necessary.
The energy of a previous step can be put in the taking of the next step.
DARPA’s Atlas robot walking
Artificial intelligence provides a much more flexible solution to biped walking problems than traditional algorithms. It appears that many of the problems encountered with this solution are presented when it comes to real time processing constraints. The solution to time constraints is the abstraction of the initial problem in order to eliminate variables such as rough terrain and other obstacles, however this comes at the expense of the ability of the biped entity to navigate through a wider range of environments.
Benbrahim, Hamid. “BIPED DYNAMIC WALKING USING REINFORCEMENT LEARNING.” University of New Hampshire, Dec. 1996. Web. https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
Dekker, M.h.p., July 2009 Eindhoven, and Dct No.: 2009.07. ZERO-MOMENT POINT METHOD FOR STABLE BIPED WALKING (n.d.): n. pag. July 2009. Web. https://www.mate.tue.nl/mate/pdfs/10796.pdf
Hawks, John. “Why Be Bipedal?” John Hawks Weblog. N.p., 1 Feb. 2005. Web. 29 Oct. 2015.
McNeill Alexander Ra. 1992. Human locomotion. In: Jones S, Martin R, Pilbeam D, editors, The Cambridge encyclopedia of human evolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. p 80-85.
Wisse, Hobbelen, ‘Controlling the Walking Speed in Limit Cycle Walking’, the Int. Journal of Robotics Research, 2008, p. 989-1005.