Abstract Data Types

[HEAD]–> [ ][ ]–> [ ][/]

Circular Linked list

[HEAD]–> [ ][ ]–> [ ][ ]–> [Back to HEAD]

Doubally Linked List

[HEAD]<–>[ ][ ]<–>[ ][/]

Circular Doubally Linked List

[HEAD]<–>[ ][ ]<–>[ ][ ]<–>[Back to HEAD]

Dummy head

  • Head points to the dummy head
  • Has no data
  • Dummy head is never removed

Tail node

  • Points to last node in the list

Induction proofs

  • f(0) = 0
  • f(n) = f(n-1) + 3n
  • Closed form: f(n) = 3n(n+1)/2

BASIS f(0) = 0 in recurrence relationship Substitute 0 for n in closed form: f(0) = 3 * 0 * (0+1) / 2 = 0

INDUCTIVE ASSUMPTION Assume k is an integer, k > 0. f(k) = 3k(k+1)/2

We want to show that f(k + 1) = 3 * (k+1) * (k+2) / 2


Plug k+1 in for n in the recursive relation
f(k+1) = f(k+1 - 1) + 3(k+1)
       = f(k) + 3(k+1)
       = 3k(k+1)/2 + 3(k+1)
       = 3k(k+1)/2 = 6(k+1)/2
       = (3k(k+1) + 6(k+1))/2
       = ((k+1)(3k+6))/2
       = 3(k+1)(K+2)/2      QED


  • Things we can write that are true about out ADT
  • EX: After creating a list, the list should be empty
  • EX: After creatig a list, then adding an item, then removing an item, the list should be empty.

Test Review Notes

Note: Review using recursion to traverse a list Anything that takes a node as a parameter has to be private. <– Is this statement correct? The client can never know about nodes. Nodes are package-privte.