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Speech Synthesis Options for Robotics

Language can become a barrier for humans and robots when trying to communicate. The robot will have the ability to produce sounds in order to communicate with people, animals and other robots.

Options for speech

When I first started exploring ways to add speech to my robotics projects I was using a small FM transmitter to send audio to the robot. However, it can probably be agreed that just sticking a radio in the robot isn’t that cool. Instead we are going to look at a few of the different software and hardware required make this conversion.

Operational requirements

  • Can’t slow down other processes to generate the audio.
  • Ability to stop speaking process on demand.
  • Ability to queue tasks for processing.
  • Ability to modify pronunciations as needed.

Design goal

We are going to set up a dedicated speech processor that will receive text data from the robot’s main computer which it will then process into audio signals that can be understood as words. The following options list various pros and cons for available solutions that can handle speech synthesis on either the hardware or software level.

Arduino for speech synthesis


  • Arduino board is low cost.
  • Many programs for speech synthesis on an Arduino have already been created so very little needs to be created from scratch.


  • Lowest quality audio output of all options

Raspberry Pi for speech synthesis


  • Install commonly used (free) espeak package.


  • The Raspberry Pi might be overkill for just speech synthesis processing tasks alone.

eSpeak text to speech module


  • Takes the load of speech synthesis off of the robot’s main processor.


  • More expensive ($50 to $70)

An amplifier will be required in either case to amplify the audio you generate for output through speakers.

Fast, Cheap, and Out of Control

A hexapedal robot named Genghis was revealed by MIT in 1989. Genghis was famous for being made quickly and cheaply due to construction methods; Genghis used 4 microprocessors, 22 sensors, and 12 servo motors. Rodney Brooks and Anita M. Flynn published “Fast, Cheap, and Out of Control: A Robot Invasion of The Solar System”. The paper advocated creating smaller cheaper robots in greater numbers to increase production time and decrease the difficulty of launching robots into space.


An endoskeleton is an internal support structure of an animal, composed of mineralized tissue.

Endoskeleton develops within the skin or in the deeper body tissues. The vertebrate is basically an endoskeleton made up of two types of tissues (bone and cartilage). During early embryonic development the endoskeleton is composed of notochord and cartilage. The notochord in most vertebrates is replaced by vertebral column and cartilage is replaced by bone in most adults.In three phyla and one subclass of animals, endoskeletons of various complexity are found: Chordata, Echinodermata, Porifera, and Coleoidea. An endoskeleton may function purely for support (as in the case of sponges), but often serves as an attachment site for muscle and a mechanism for transmitting muscular forces. A true endoskeleton is derived from mesodermal tissue. Such a skeleton is present in echinoderms and chordates. The poriferan ‘skeleton’ consists of microscopic calcareous or siliceous spicules or a spongin network. The Coleoidae do not have a true endoskeleton in the evolutionary sense; here, a mollusk exoskeleton evolved into several sorts of internal structure, the “cuttlebone” of cuttlefish being the best-known version. Yet they do have cartilaginous tissue in their body, even if it is not mineralized, especially in the head, where it forms a primitive cranium.The endoskeleton gives shape,support and protection to the body and provides a means of locomotion.

Choosing a licence for your robot's software

I like to encourage developers and engineers to open source their robotics projects when possible. Obviously the nature of intellectual property and ownership does not always permit this, and there is still a great amount of proprietary software that many businesses rely on which cannot be open sourced.

However, all is not lost. There is many alternatives that make it possible to leverage the advantages of open source software while avoiding releasing proprietary code. As usual in development, abstraction is the key. Instead of releasing the entire sum of a project, try modularizing the codebase into one or more abstract library that can be released. The added advantage here is that the process of modularizing your codebase will significantly improve the readability and maintainability of your code.

There are a significant number of benefits to open sourcing a useful package or library. Aside from the possibility of allowing a community of other developers to double check your work and possibly improve it, an open source project can become a significant way for a single developer or a company to establish and maintain reputability.

Project History Summary 2008 to 2011

  • 08/15/11 - I will create a blog to talk about the robot.
  • 08/12/11 - Arduino arrived in mail, began programming it
  • 08/08/11 - Ordered Arduino Uno USB IO Board.
  • 08/07/11 - Tidied up electrical wires.
  • 07/28/11 - Installed 8 ohm speaker in head.
  • 07/15/11 - Configured computer.
  • 07/11/11 - Installed optical sensor panel and speaker in head.
  • 07/10/11 - Finished building new human-like head.
  • 05/16/11 - Broke laser cartridge, will have to get new one.
  • 05/15/11 - Installed optical sensors in mount.
  • 05/14/11 - Attached camera to sensor mount.
  • 05/13/11 - Cut plexiglass optical sensors mount.
  • 05/12/11 - Made template for optical sensors mount.
  • 05/11/11 - Removed and measured optical sensors from head.
  • 05/03/11 - Moved shoulder joint up higher so that it is 3.5 inches from top of shoulder.
  • 05/02/11 - Cut 18 inch replacement axial for arm joints.
  • 04/28/11 - Simplified audio amplifier.
  • 04/26/11 - Finished adapter to run radio off of psu.
  • 02/28/11 - Tested larger audio amplifier with stereo speakers.
  • 02/27/11 - Began work on servo controller for ear servos.
  • 02/26/11 - Added 3 watts of extra amplification to audio amplifier.
  • 02/25/11 - Tested cam and mic wireless connection.
  • 02/24/11 - Connected left arm wires to junction box.
  • 02/23/11 - Attached new wires to left arm motors.
  • 02/22/11 - Enabled two speakers for mono.
  • 02/21/11 - Assembled audio amplifier.
  • 02/20/11 - Installed radio.
  • 02/19/11 - Attached electronics to drive base.
  • 02/18/11 - Attached left arm to body.
  • 02/17/11 - Mounted upper-torso on drive base.
  • 02/16/11 - Assembled plywood drive base.
  • 02/15/11 - Reattached sensors and electronics to new head.
  • 02/14/11 - Salvaged two gear boxes and chain from older body design.
  • 02/13/11 - Robot Operating System (ROS) is a potential OS for robot.
  • 02/06/11 - Cut out metal parts for new head based on cardboard template.
  • 02/05/11 - Stereo speakers hooked up and functioning.
  • 02/04/11 - Attached temporary wires for neck joint.
  • 02/02/11 - Created neck joint.
  • 02/01/11 - Built new wooden cube shaped upper body for robot.
  • 01/27/11 - Began redesigning head due to problems with size and shape of previous version.
  • 08/24/10 - Upgraded to larger upper arm on left side with larger motor.
  • 08/20/10 - Development has begun on radio core.
  • 06/15/10 - Right hand is now able to reconfigure into drill driver.
  • 06/14/10 - Found an online suppler of muscle wire for nano-robots.
  • 05/05/10 - Finished installing right arm motor for wrist rotation.
  • 04/12/10 - Organized data files.
  • 03/01/10 - Robot now has limited speech and extremely pour motor control.
  • 02/27/10 - Someone to speak to the robot and the robot can to reply to the person.
  • 02/14/10 - Working on a design for a grabber to go on the flexible mobile arm.
  • 02/10/10 - Working on housing for custom power cell.
  • 02/07/10 - Working on navigational system.
  • 02/08/10 - New design for legs and feet will likely result in a more maneuverable torso.
  • 11/19/09 - Working on a design for legs to get the robot mobile.
  • 10/01/09 - The design for a bracket to attach the head to the neck has been made.
  • 08/29/09 - Brackets to hold the access panel in the back of the head closed have been installed.
  • 07/29/09 - The laser data transmitter circuit board is now finished.
  • 06/18/09 - The new head is being modified to use the sensors built for the older head.
  • 06/15/09 - Salvaged a sound amplifying circuit for microphone elements in ears.
  • 05/07/09 - Began redesigning robot’s head.
  • 04/26/09 - Made larger shoulder mount.
  • 04/18/09 - Upgraded left arm chain drive.
  • 04/15/09 - Made simple right arm.
  • 04/02/09 - Mount for legs and torso joint is installed.
  • 04/01/09 - Upgraded wrist joint.
  • 03/25/09 - Made simple left arm.
  • 03/23/09 - Reinforced Neck rotation joint.
  • 03/19/09 - Neck rotation joint installed.
  • 03/17/09 - Inserted grommet into hole in chest cover.
  • 03/16/09 - Chest cover panel is attached.
  • 11/09/08 - Mounted wire holders to secure wiring.
  • 11/08/08 - Installed Wire covers.
  • 11/07/08 - Attached motor wires.
  • 11/06/08 - Officially started building robot.