Salvius Salvius is a robotic prototype designed for learning. The robot's design is centered around a comprehensive API which makes it possible to get up and running in mere minutes. Developers can easily experiment with machine learning and kinematics for humanoid robots. A wide selection of plug and play hardware additions can be installed as well. Salvius has been built using a variety of recycled materials, making it simple and inexpensive to start developing.

Get started with BotKit

Get started with the all new BotKit.
The kit contains everything you need to start building humanoid robots.


A minimal amount of code has been written specifically for Salvius. Instead, this project aims to create and promote the development of more robust software libraries that have extensive use cases throughout the software community.


Salvius is a humanoid robot made from recycled parts.


ChatterBot is a machine learning, conversational dialog engine.


Zorg is a framework for robotics and physical computing.

The design of a humanoid robot is the result of a great amount of interdisciplinary science. Salvius has been built in compliance with a versioned engineering specification to ensure that each new component must meet a minimum standard of functionality before being added to the robot. Adhering to a specification makes it possible to set development goals and measure the project's progress. Versioning also makes it possible for development to continue even if the entire robot cannot be immediately upgraded to match the latest version of the specification.

Salvius was originally developed without specification. With many components being continuously developed and improved, it became necessary to develop a specification to follow to ensure that new parts could successfully replace old ones.

Salvius Travels

Salvius travels to a variety of locations. The goal of this initiative is to improve the project's development while simultaneously creating opportunities for people to work with new and cutting edge technologies. The robot has been the center of workshops and presentations, the robot also serves as a great platform for developing at hackathons and maker fairs.

I have always had a deep interest in learning about technology. In truth, I have never owned an electronic device for long without disassembling it to see how it works. I find the field of robotics compelling because it combines every field of science with a single subject. Studying robotics teaches people about anatomy, biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics, engineering, etc. and this list just keeps going on. In high school, I began an open source robotics project with the goal of teaching others about robotics while simultaneously furthering my own knowledge.

In 2013 I started a campaign to raise funding and get supplies to further develop Salvius. Since then, I have had some incredible opportunities meet and collaborate with countless brilliant individuals.

I have never owned an electronic device for long without disassembling it to see how it works. @salviusrobot


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